Not Done Yet
A Retreat for those who have already taken significant steps – and are still feeling challenged to go further
The ambition behind this invitation-only retreat is for people to come together from different stages and walks of life, who know the world from some of the myriad of perspectives that make it up. There will be no rush to action with a pre-destined outcome, simply ample time and space (three days seems enough, but not too little) to be together with others.
Alongside up to 6 other co-inquirers including two experienced retreat "host-participants: you have on opportunity to talk and think in the company of others.
Working together as peers the retreat will be about:
- connecting up the inner-arc of self-awareness with the outer arc of engagement with the world
- hearing and engaging with others to better hear and engage with yourself
- offering something of yourself and being touched and informed by what others offer of themselves
- acknowledging that no one is an island, entirely self-authoring and perfect, whatever the spirit of the age trumpets.
The retreat will take place face to face over three days.
Participation in this retreat is guided by the following (self-selection) criteria:
- An interest in stepping away from the day to day to engage with others on the question of “Not Being Done Yet”
- A willingness to engage, share and work with “others” with a similar interest in this matter
Next Retreat: 26th - 28th July 2022 (London) - Participant Dashboard